
Mar 16, 2012

Finding myself

I thought I'd take a new direction on this blog and tell you the struggles I'm overcoming as I seek to "find myself in a creative world."

When I started out in college I always thought I'd be the one to quickly climb the corporate ladder. My sister was the family driven one, and since I decided not to have children, I always thought I'd be the "career one." I started off in a job and in less than two years I worked myself up through two promotions. I was a manager of two departments. I wasn't really happy, but at least I was driven.

Suddenly in November 2011 I found out that I was being laid off!

All my hard work and dedication  to that corporation for seven years was a waste. I never took vacations and developed a bad migraine condition from what I know was  due to living in a constant stressful environment.  Being laid off is bad for anyone, but for someone who thought her job was the only thing she was good at, was even worse.

I've always had hobbies. Crafty and artsy ambitions. I started making jewelry as a stress reliever. I piddled with a struggling Etsy store. I love baking and art journaling. I have all these "artistic ideas" and used to say "if I only had the time..." Well, now I have the time. Everything happens for a reason. Perhaps my reason was so I could discover what will make me happy.

So for now, I'm trying to "Find myself." Moving from the corporate attitude and personality I had to be- and soul searching to become the person I WANT TO BE.  

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